
Q: What is the deadline to register? 
A: January 21, 2024 is the deadline, however, we are only accepting the first 40 couples.

Q: Will there be childcare or nursery available?
A: Unfortunately, No. This marriage conference is designed for only you and your spouse. We ask that you use this time to focus on just the two of you, and make separate arrangements for your child(ren).

Q: Will there be exceptions if we have a nursing baby?
​A: If you have a baby who is nursing, please contact us at info@cherrydalebible.org and we will try to accomodate.

​​​Q: Who is allowed to register? 
A: All married couples are encouraged to register (40 couples max). Unfortunately, we are unable to accept singles or those engaged and not yet married.

Q: Can we share this around and invite other friends or couples? 
A: As long as they are married, yes, BUT they too need to register first to ensure we have all the required logistics ahead of time. 

Q: We've registered but will not be able to come.  How do I cancel my registration? 
A: Please email us at info@cherrydalebible.org to cancel your registration. This will definitely be helpful in our planning and will allow us to inform the next couple in the waitlist.

Q: How much is the conference fee? How do I pay for it? 
A: There is NO fee required. We trust that the Lord will provide and will be happy to accept donations if the Spirit leads you. 

Q: What should we do when we arrive? 
A: Check-in is required so you can pick up your name tags. Please arrive between 9:30am-10am. 

Q: Is there parking available? 
A: Yes. But we have limited parking space. Everyone is welcome to park along the streets in the neighborhood. Just be mindful of the parking signs, fire hydrants and others' driveways. 

Q: Will the meals be provided? 
A: Lunch will be provided along with coffee and snacks throughout the day. Dinner will NOT be provided. We instead ask each couple to go out on a date night once dismissed.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at info@cherrydalebible.org